Thursday, August 21, 2008

Welcome to My Blog!

So after much hemming and hawing, I, John Lomperis, decided to finally start my own blog. What better way to procrastinate in grad school?

Topics covered will probably include Abortion/Bioethics, Christianity, Denominational issues, Evangelicalism, Faith journey, German, Hogwash, Islam, Jesus, the Koran, Life, Methodism, Nicene Orthodoxy, Politics, Questions for discussion, Robots, Sino-American relations, Tintin, Unitarianism, fun Videos, Wesleyan theology, X-men, Young adult ministry and Zorro.

At this point I honestly have no idea how often I’ll post or how many readers I’ll actually get. I suppose that at least initially I might get a few hits from at least a couple friends/relatives, and perhaps some folk familiar with my writings from my recently concluded four-and-a-half years as a staffer for the Institute on Religion & Democracy (IRD)’s UMAction program – which for those of y'all unfamiliar with IRD is essentially an unofficial caucus of evangelical United Methodists.

For the record, I have no intention of pulling a Scott McClellan on my former employer, so anyone with such hopes need read no further.

That being said, let me stress that this is a strictly independent blog. The views expressed herein (besides those of guest posts) are mine and mine alone, and should not be taken as representative of any employer, school, family, country, planet, or species with which I have ever been or ever will be associated with.

Also, while I imagine I'll eventually get around to linking to a good number of different other blogs and websites, my linking to them should not be taken as implying any sort of endorsement.

Civil comments of whatever perspective are more than welcome – even if you strongly disagree with every word I say. Being pretty new at this whole blogging thing, I’ll try moderated comments, at least initially. But for the sake of making this easier, I’d greatly appreciate it if folk simply refrained from trying to post any racist, sexist, hateful, pornographic, untruthful, or wildly off-topic comments.

Now with all that out of the way, I can start blogging on my A-Z list soon. Stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

John: great start but you seem to have made two typos... You put a comma between 'Hogwash' and 'Islam' and also between 'Tintin' and 'Unitarianism'. ;-)

Welcome to the blogosophere!! You're on my blogroll already.

Anonymous said...

Hi John - glad to see you are blogging! I really appreciate your work with IRD and UMAction.

I'm glad you had a link to Shane's blog as well - I've wondered what he's been up to.

I added you to my Google Reader and am looking forward to your posts.

Anonymous said...

Hi John,

You might want to check out the "Center for Bioethics and Culture Missouri." My friend, Barbara, helped with GC '08 sourcing. You may find the site helpful also. Cindy

Jonathan Marlowe said...

Welcome to the blogosphere!