Saturday, September 13, 2008

Which Candidates REALLY Care?

With this election cycle yet again featuring opposing candidates challenging each other to publicly release their income-tax returns, the public is now privy to very interesting info about the various candidates' widely differing levels of personal generosity.

Here's how they rank in terms of percentage of gross adjusted income given to charity in 2006 and 2007:

-Sen. John McCain gave 27.3% - 28.6%

-Sen. Hillary Clinton gave 10.0% - 14.7%

-the Obamas gave 5.8% - 6.1%

-of the 89% of American households giving to charity, the average contribution is 3.1%

-since 1998, the Bidens have given 0.06% - 0.31%

-there appears to be no such public records (yet) from Gov. Sarah Palin

But how much could they each afford to give to others? The plot thickens:

-Sen. Clinton earned $20,400,000 in 2007 and $15,858,422 in 2006 (adjusted gross income)

-Sen. Obama earned $4,139,965 in 2007 and $983,826 in 2006

-Sen. McCain earned $386,527 in 2007 and $338,809 in 2006

-Sen. Biden earned $319,853 in 2007 and $248,859 in 2006

-According to the U.S. Census Bureau, median annual household income for 2006-2007 was $49,901

It's easy for politicians to be generous with other people's money. Self-sacrifice is another matter.

Hat Tip: Tax Prof Blog

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