Wednesday, November 26, 2008

UMC (today) on Beginning- and End-of-Life Ethics

Here's a somewhat belated review of the last General Conference of the United Methodist Church in terms of pro-life concerns, put in historical context.

I must have written this out of IRD Withdrawal Syndrome (IWS).

I wrote about the same topic in a couple other places right before I left that job for grad school. But this latest article isn't quite AS narrowly focused on abortion, and also says more about the Southern Baptist Convention's dramatic position change on abortion.

There seems to be growing recognition that despite its public claims to represent ALL American United Methodists, the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice (RCRC) represents no more than a small minority in the positions it advocates in our name. (for more details on that, see here)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Every time I heard about the UMC affiliation with the RCRC I have to talk myself out of leaving the denomination. Seriously. That is one of the most revolting organizations on the planet. Being secular and pro-abortion is bad enough. But to hijack Jesus and bring him into it is sickening and should destroy the witness of the denomination.